About this project
The People's Map Hull is a project serving the various communities of Hull in creating a fairer, greener city.
The People's Map Hull is a work in progress.
The People's Map Hull aims to help our communities put pressure on local and national government to consider and things we think are important, and act upon them in collaboration with us, the people of Hull!
We hope the map will be especially useful while Hull's Local Plan is being reviewed and rewritten. Visit www.peoplesplanhull.co.uk to get involved and updated on our campaign to affect the council's upcoming Local Plan.
Use the map to:
- identify priorities, needs and opportunities;
- hold authorities accountable for key community priorities;
- inform independent community-based initiatives (environmental, economic, social, cultural, etc).
You can interact with this map in various ways, by inputting information as points on the map, or lines or areas. You can also upload pictures and comments, whether its about housing, green spaces, community projects, health and poverty, flooding, etc.
The app is being built by Rabble Cooperative from Belfast who built Take Back the City's map of Belfast.
It is in collaboration with people from Manchester University who previously worked with #WeAreHere on this flood map.
Rights Community Action & WeAreHere Hull
WeAreHere Hull is a campaign by Rights Community Action for a fairer planning system, which respects the views of local people and puts our homes at the top of the priority list.
Rights Community Action has decades of experience in turning complex issues into stories that resonate with people, winning planning campaigns and reaching the corridors of power.
We are supporting a number of communities across the country, including in Hull, by offering free legal and planning advice and creating public artworks in the local area that help them tell their story.
Rights Community Action works alongside Timebank Hull and artist Louis Dorton to amplify the thoughts, hopes and fears of the community of Hull about the impact of climate change.
WeAreHere Hull have delivered creative community mapping sessions and made films, spoof documentaries and guerilla projections on public spaces and zines. Check out some of this incredible work on the Rights Community Action website and use #WeAreHereHull on social media to keep up with the latest news.